Covered California Assistance

If you don’t have a Covered California Agent Representative assigned to your case, please consider assigning Mary Lee to assist you.

Why might you do this?  There may be some details that need to be completed or reviewed, you may have questions or just to have the peace of mind of having an advocate and highly skilled agent on your side.

What you need to know is that there is no additional expense to you – Covered California pays me if you do this.  If you don’t do this, you can call me and will have to workout a solution.

Covered California

You need to have this all finalized by February 15, 2015 to have a March 1, 2015 effective date. We need to move on this quickly.

Appoint me as your agent

Making me your agent does not cost you anything.  It simply gives me access to be 100% your agent, your local agent and advisor.  From here we can get your situation settled.

The first step is for you to login to your Covered California Account .-

What you will be doing here is granting me permission to review your case.  Once this has been done I can review the details and determine what needs to be fixed, if anything.

Once logged in:
1) Click “Find Help Near You” in the upper right corner
2) Click “Find Agents”
3) Enter my first name: Mary
4) Enter my last name: Lee.
5) Click Search
I have to date been the only Mary Lee in the system.
6) Select me and click “Continue”
7) Complete the attestation page and click “Confirm”

You will then see a “Congratulations” Page

I’ll be notified that you have completed this process.  You can proactively call my office to schedule a time to review your case – 866-589-9366 or 408-459-8383 works too.

I also request that you reply to this message and let me know that you have completed the process.

We will then set a time to speak on the phone.

I look forward to assisting you in getting your coverage finalized.